Blood Upon The Rose, a story about Grace Gifford and Joseph Plunkett and their tragic story during the early 1900s returns to the Waterfront Hall, Belfast on 08 & 09 November 2024!
Gerry Cunningham’s outstanding production “Blood Upon The Rose” tells the story of Grace Gifford, a young Dublin lady from the home of a staunch Unionist family and Joseph Plunkett, a leading revolutionary in the Easter Rising of 1916. Their love, marriage and Plunkett's subsequent execution the morning after their marriage in Kilmainham jail touched the hearts of a nation and to this day the story is immortalised in the beautiful song "Grace" written in 1985 by Sean and Frank o' Meara.
Its precocious success to date has been more than a little "overwhelming" - Irish News
The love story is set against the background of the Easter Rising 1916 and also involves the internal struggles within the Irish Volunteers lead by Eoin McNeil and Padraig Pearse leader of the IRB a secret republican movement which had successfully infiltrated all units of the Irish Volunteers.